MagicSlides Affiliate Resources

Become an affiliate

To become an affiliate, sign up on our affiliate platform:

MagicSlides Brand Assets

Get the best resources to promote with ease.
If you need anything more, reach out to us at

Introduction is the best AI presentation generation tool which helps you create presentation from any piece of content weather it is pdf, youtube video, or docx file.
all tutorials for which can be found on our youtube channel
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MagicSlides Google Slides Addon have more than 1 million Installs, MagicSlides ChatGPT plugin is used by more than 15,000 users, MagicSlides Figma plugin is used by more than 1,800 users

Main Features

Topic to Presentation Using AI

🪄 Create Professional presentation in just 2 mins with Just Topic!, Including feature to get data from Wikipedia, Google or scrape urls for info.

Text to Presentation Using AI

Now Text can be fetched from many sources pdf, docx, ppt (yes put your ppt and we will make better one) , youtube video and website url.
All can be provided and MagicSlides Addon can create presentation with it.

Media Kits

Short Videos for Each Features




logo in 512*512, you can resize based on your needs. Right click and save image as.
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Images for Features

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YouTube Best Content

Video preview
Video preview
Video preview


Video preview
Video preview

LinkedIn Best Content

Request a 10% Discount Code

If you're a content creator on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube, it might be a good idea to give your audience a discount code to encourage them to sign up for MagicSlides.
When affiliates subscribe to MagicSlides using your discount code, it's like they're using your affiliate link: the sale will automatically be credited to you, and you'll earn commissions. (if not tracked we will manually check)
Your customers can either subscribe to through your affiliate link, use your discount code, or both. Either way, the sales will be credited to you.
If you want a 10% discount code, send a WhatsApp message to Sanskar or contact him via email at

Got questions?

How often are payouts made?

You'll receive your payment automatically on the 7th of each month, exclusively through PayPal.
You need to earn a minimum of 50 USD in commissions to get paid, and the payment process may take a few days, so please allow 3-5 days for the funds to appear in your account.

How to track the referred signup?

You can check your referrals by logging into your affiliate account. If you've correctly used your unique referral URL, the information on your dashboard will be accurate.

Does the discount code track affiliates even if they don't use the affiliate link?

No. If a customer purchases a subscription using your promo code without going through your affiliate link, the sale will not be credited to your affiliate account just as if they had used your affiliate link. But we manually check it every month and pay you your share.

Can I advertise using my affiliate link?

Paid ads are not allowed. If you use paid advertising, your commissions will not be paid. We conduct regular checks and may ask you to provide proof of the methods you used to generate sales if there is any doubt.

Any other questions?

If you have any more questions, contact us by email at (we usually respond within 24-48 hours).
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